Release notes
Release notes
OpenHub framework can be downloaded from GitHub releases.
See Road planner to know which new features and improvements are in preparation for next releases.
Version 2.3.0 (31.5.2021)
- Spring Boot upgraded to version 2.4.5
- Apache Camel upgraded to version 2.22.2
- H2 Database upgraded to version 1.4.199
- Hazelcast upgraded to version 3.9.4
- Janino upgraded to version 3.1.2
- added new flyway migration strategy for tests (in memory H2 database) - before flyway migrate call flyway clean
- Spring Boot Actuator - created new endpoint /ohfmetrics (has same behavior as endpoint /metrics in Spring Boot 1.5.x)
Migration guide
- Spring Boot Actuator:
- Changed from /metrics endpoint to custom /ohfmetrics endpoint
- Response from /health endpoint changed to this structure
Version 2.2.0 (29.8.2020)
- new circuit breaker component
- optimalization of queries for quaranteed order with large amount of messages (see Query optimization of messages in guaranteed order)
- optimalization of process for finding next message in state PARTLY_FAILED or POSTPONED - all postponed messages were processed first and then all partly failed messages in the previous version. Currently version combines both states together, there is no preference in message's state (see Find partly failed and postponed messages)
- optimalization in finding next message in quaranteed order (see Select the following message in guaranteed order)
- added new parameter for switching on/off for sending mails when message fails (see Parameter for switching on/off for sending mails when message fails)
- technology stack upgrade to minor versions
Migration guide
- GIT release link
- Javadoc API documentation
- JIRA release notes
Version 2.1.1 (20.4.2020)
- - OHFJIRA-107Getting issue details... STATUS - Final message processing job is failing on messages without response
Version 2.1.0 (6.1.2019)
- introducing new feature final messages handling
- added support for Java 9, 10 and 11
- Spring Boot upgraded to 1.5.17
- Apache Camel upgraded to 2.21.3 version
- introducing @EnableTestWsUriBuilder to have control on mocking TestWsUriBuilder bean for unit tests, see How to write unit test?
- end of support for NTML (class NtlmCloseableHttpComponentsMessageSender)
- improved support for multiple datasources, see How to add additional datasource?
- added Sonar analysis
Migration guide
- CloseableHttpComponentsMessageSender : class moved from core module to common, and therefore its package has changed. See OHFJIRA-100 or updated documentation HTTP Message Sender.
- TestWsUriBuilder : is no longer registered by default in the test context. It needs to be explicitely enabled using annotation @EnableTestWsUriBuilder on the class.
2.0.1 (19.7.2018)
- admin-console : handling of messages without envelope
2.0.0 (4.3.2018)
Main changes
- - OHFJIRA-9Getting issue details... STATUS : migration to Spring Boot
- improve how to start new projects
- - OHFJIRA-20Getting issue details... STATUS : standalone deployment of OpenHub
- Cluster support improvement - OHFJIRA-11Getting issue details... STATUS : cluster support - adds support for running OpenHub in cluster with high-availability (HA) mode
- - OHFJIRA-4Getting issue details... STATUS : redesign admin GUI + add new graphical outputs for better monitoring and traceability, dashboard
- - OHFJIRA-1Getting issue details... STATUS : Java 8 runtime (Java 7 is not supported)
1.0.0 (14.11.2016)
OpenHub framework starter version. This version is about adoption of CleverBus as OpenHub framework.
- Upgrade of Java version. OpenHub framework is based upon Java7.
- Upgrade of core libs version. Actual versions are:
- Camel 2.17.3
- Spring Core 4.3.4.RELEASE
- Spring WS 2.2.2.RELEASE
- Spring Security 4.1.3.RELEASE
- Hibernate 5.1.2 (with JPA 2.1)
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