Road planner
Version 3.x (back log, planned in 2021)
- create SpringBoot starter
- improve alerts and throttling configuration
- remove differences between synchronous and asynchronous messages
- auto generation of Swagger definition of exposed REST interfaces
- upgrade to Apache Camel 3.x
- improvement of REST API integration (optimalization of data transfer via graphQL or MsgPack)
- improvement of API security (OpenIDConnect, OAuth2, …)
- optimize items in message table
- create Maven archetype
- add possibility to evict/clear cache values
- change Camel events to Spring application events
- improve of archivation functionality
- documentation style of development - integration of documentation as source of API)
- improved modelation style of development - preparation of component’s snippets with Fuse Tooling
- improved catalog of services (API management, grouped administration of interfaces)
- improvement of logging and monitoring (prepared complete stack)
- admin console refinements
- show all defined quartz jobs in admin gui
- extensions overview
- allow some operations for multiple messages