

Have you seen Apache Camel FAQ?

OpenHub framework extends Camel's funtionality therefore look at Camel's FAQ firstly.

General Questions

Can I get commercial support

Yes, please look at page with Support information.

How does OpenHub framework compare to Camel?

OpenHub framework is Apache Camel on steroids.

Apache Camel is base upon OpenHub framework is built. OpenHub framework represents extension of Apache Camel - reuses 100% functionality of Camel and adds new ones. See Why OpenHub framework? page for more details why it's good idea to try OpenHub framework.

What is the license?

This software is open source using the Apache 2.0 licence

What platforms are supported?

Every platform where there is Java 7+. OpenHub framework is neutral to operating system, database and Java servlet-based application server.

How was OpenHub framework created?

We selected Apache Camel for our integration projects in 2012. We use it for several similar projects for almost 2 years and found out we have lot of interesting functionality that extends basic functionality of Apache Camel - brand new features that is not in Camel at all, advice functionality that extends basic functions of Camel or only repairs of few bugs which we found in original Camel. We decided to create "product" - take all these extensions and place them in one package and make it all as open source for use by others.

Our goal is to be more productive compare to Apache Camel.

Who is developing OpenHub framework?

See Team page for more information.

Can I contribute?

Yes, we would appreciate it. Look at Contribution for more details.