Why OpenHub framework?

Why OpenHub framework?

OpenHub framework is Apache Camel improved for enterprise ... Why not get more?
  • OpenHub framework is based on matured, well-proofed and very popular integration engine Apache Camel
  • OpenHub framework extends basic Camel functionality to be more productive and effective in common integration implementation
  • OpenHub framework is proven and stable solution used in production environments
  • OpenHub framework is open-source with quality code, covered by many unit tests
  • OpenHub framework uses database as queue for asynchronous messages processing. Database is well-known technology for most people to administrate or use it. Nevertheless, we want to offer alternative, we want to support JMS as queue.
  • OpenHub framework is technologically neutral to operation system, application server and database.
  • OpenHub framework together with application server like Apache Tomcat and database like PostgreSQL represents light-weight ESB solution (server and database can be different)
  • OpenHub framework uses another well-proven open-source libraries such as Spring BootSpring framework, Spring security, Spring Web Services, Hazelcast, Flyway or HttpClient
  • OpenHub framework offers proven and tested application stack of another dependent libraries and frameworks
  • OpenHub framework makes use of Spring Boot's style of configuring and creating applications
  • OpenHub framework can use same tools which can be used by Apache Camel, for example Red Hat® JBoss® Fuse or Hawtio
  • OpenHub framework has own web administration console

We have many years experience with integration projects, we know common problems, we know how to solve it effectively. OpenHub framework is established on this knowhow.

Main OpenHub framework extensions

OpenHub framework extends Apache Camel in many ways, look at main points:

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