Operations which change message state
Operations which change message state
The following table presents operations or actions which change message states:
Source state | Target state | Operation / action |
NEW | IN_QUEUE | New request/message is add into SEDA queue for processing (org.openhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.AsynchInMessageRoute) |
IN_QUEUE | PROCESSING | Message is picked up from SEDA queue and starts processing |
PROCESSING | POSTPONED | Message is being processed but there is conflict with another message with same "funnel" value. |
PROCESSING | PARTLY_FAILED | Processing failed but there are next tries to finish it.
PROCESSING | WAITING_FOR_RES | Message is being processed and waits for response from external system. |
PROCESSING | WAITING | Message is being processed and waits for response from external system (valid for parent message only). |
PROCESSING | OK | Message is successfully processed. |
PROCESSING | FAILED | Processing of the message failed - there is no next try for processing. |
POSTPONED | IN_QUEUE | Previous processing was postponed and started next try. org.openhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.queue.PartlyFailedMessagesPoolRoute |
POSTPONED | CANCEL | Admin canceled further processing in Admin GUI |
POSTPONED | FAILED | Message has been waiting for starting processing more then interval defined by asynch.postponedIntervalWhenFailed. org.openhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.queue.MessagePollExecutor |
PARTLY_FAILED | IN_QUEUE | Previous processing failed and started next try. org.openhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.queue.PartlyFailedMessagesPoolRoute |
PARTLY_FAILED | CANCEL | Admin canceled further processing in Admin GUI |
WAITING_FOR_RES | IN_QUEUE | Message got response from external system and continues in processing. |
WAITING_FOR_RES | CANCEL | Admin canceled further processing in Admin GUI |
WAITING | FAILED | Parent message was waiting for processing of child message but at least one child message failed. |
WAITING | OK | All child messages of parent message finished successfully. |
FAILED | PROCESSING | Restart failed message from admin GUI. |