Getting Help

If you are experiencing problems using OpenHub framework then please report your problem to our discussion forums on Stackoverflow (use tag or label openhubframework). This allows the entire community to help with your problem. If indeed a bug has been identified in the OpenHub software, then document the problem in our Issue Tracker. Please refrain from immediately opening a ticket in the issue tracker unless you are certain it's a problem in the OpenHub framework. If you are in doubt, we appreciate asking the discussion forums first.

If a problem is dealing with Apache Camel then contact Apache Camel support directly
Look at the following sources for more helpful information:

Problem reporting

When you report an issue, please be sure to include as much information as possible. The more we know, the easier it is to reach an effective solution quickly.

How to get help faster

We can help you much quicker if you try the following

Commercial support

Do you use OpenHub framework (or Apache Camel) in your project and you need to get priority help or get training or mentoring or even get full 24 x 7 production support? We offer all these things and also we can be member of your developing team!

Don't hesitate to contact us at openhub at