How to build/run OpenHub?

How to build/run OpenHub?

Build OpenHub framework is very easy:

  1. download sources from GitHub or clone Git repository
  2. call mvn package
  3. deploy openhub.war (module web-admin) to application server and start it (smile)

If deployed OpenHub do not run under root web context, for example http://localhost/openhub, it is necessary to configure properly contextCall.localhostUri property via JVM arguments, environment variables or directly in appropriate property file.

Must be called at least mvn package and not mvn compile because there are dependencies in resources between Maven modules which use maven-dependency-plugin plugin with unpack-dependencies goal.

Application is build with esb.prod Maven profile by default. You can use also esb.prod for production settings. H2 DB is used by default. If you want to use PostgreSQL then use esb.psSql or esb.psSql.prod profile. Example: mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Pesb.psSql

Also there are Spring profiles to dynamically configure the application. Look at Maven and Spring for more information.

To speed up build time you can disable unit tests and JavaDoc generation: mvn install -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

You can continue with starting new integration project or with writing new integration routes.

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