There are the following steps to start new project with OpenHub framework

There is reference project to see details about implementation new projects based on OpenHub framework.

Create Maven structure

Create new Maven project with reference to parent artifact of OpenHub framework:


We recommend to create at least two modules:

Project module depends on the following OpenHub framework modules:

War module depends on previous project module and the following OpenHub framework modules:

Try ping service at url /http/ping if OpenHub is running successfully.

Start implementing routes

There are several How to articles for beginners:

OpenHub frameworks offers effective way how to create routes based on experience from several years of implementation integration projects. Nevertheless it's up to you which approach do you use, if you use OpenHub's functionality or directly Apache Camel

Our recommendation is to use best from both - use OpenHub framework as base (defines project structure, application stack, offers lot of useful functionality for future use, ...) together with any Camel's functionality you need, also with third-party tools which works with Apache Camel.

OpenHub framework initiates database by Flyway, PostgreSQL and H2 are supported by default. 

Projects are responsible to define dependencies for specific databases such as JDBC drivers.

OpenHub extensions

There is one alternative way how to implement new integration routes - you can use Dynamic extension loading functionality even if you don't implement extensions directly, you can use extension/external library concept for initialization.

This approach has advantage that you can create self-contained and reusable JAR libraries with functionality that it's possible to share between more projects. Also you don't have to create new project, you can use OpenHub framework as-is and add external libraries via configuration only.