Basic information

Creating own aspect

There is module wiseporter-logging (not from OpenHub framework) that contains aspect com.openwise.wiseporter.log.EntitySavingAspect - this aspect logs entity before saving:

 * Aspect example.
 * @author <a href="">Petr Juza</a>
 * @since 0.1
public class EntitySavingAspect {

    private ApplicationContext ctx;

   public EntitySavingAspect() {
      System.out.println("EntitySavingAspect created ...");

    public void logBeforeSaving(JoinPoint jp) {
        System.out.println("AOP (" + (ctx != null) + "): " + jp.getSignature());

where is reference to CommonPointcuts class (module wiseporter-commons):

public class CommonPointcuts {

     * Join point is pre-saving method in entities.
    @Pointcut(value = "execution(void com.openwise.wiseporter.coreapi.entity.Saveable+.preSave())")
    public void preSavingEntity() {}

     * Join point is post-saving method in entities.
    @Pointcut(value = "execution(void com.openwise.wiseporter.coreapi.entity.Saveable+.postSave())")
    public void postSavingEntity() {}

     * Join point is deleting method in entities.
    @Pointcut(value = "execution(void com.openwise.wiseporter.coreapi.entity.Deletable+.delete())")
    public void inDeletingEntity() {}

It's necessary to adjust AspectJ compilation to use this aspect in another modules. We need to add dependency to this module with aspect - see adding wiseporter-logging module into aspectLibraries below.

        <!-- added dependency to wiseporter-logging -->

If aspect itself should be Spring bean (e.g. I need to use auto-wiring to another beans) then aspect has to be marked by annotation @Configurable.

Common AOP hints

Tips for troubleshooting:

Useful links

See Getting started to know how set up IDE for AspectJ compilation.