Parameter | Default value | Description |
asynch.countPartlyFailsBeforeFailed | 3 | Count of unsuccessful tries of message processing before message will be marked as completely FAILED Time interval between tries is defined by asynch.partlyFailedInterval. |
asynch.repairRepeatTime | 300 | Max. interval in seconds how long can be message being processed, in other words how long can be in PROCESSING state. If message is still in processing then repair process (org.cleverbusopenhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.repair.RepairProcessingMsgRoute) will be started and the message state will be changed to PARTLY_FAILED. This parameter is not only for messages themselves but also for external calls and confirmations. |
asynch.concurrentConsumers | 30 | Input asynchronous messages are waiting for processing in the priority queue. This parameter determines how many concurrent consumers (=threads) can take message from the queue and start processing. In other words this parameter detemines how many concurrent messages can be processed. For more informacetion se http://camel.apache.org/seda.html, parameter concurrentConsumers |
asynch.partlyFailedRepeatTime | 60 | How often to run process (org.openhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.queue.PartlyFailedMessagesPoolRoute) for pooling PARTLY_FAILED messages (in seconds). This parameter is relevant to asynch.partlyFailedInterval. |
asynch.partlyFailedInterval | 60 | Interval (in seconds) between two tries of PARTLY_FAILED messages. When this interval expires then can be message be processed again. This parameter is relevant to asynch.partlyFailedRepeatTime. |
asynch.confirmation.failedLimit | 3 | Maximum count of confirmation fails when will finish further processing of confirmation, confirmation fails. |
asynch.confirmation.repeatTime | 60 | How often to run process (org.openhubframework.openhub.core.common.asynch.confirm.ConfirmationsPoolRoute) for pooling failed confirmations (in seconds) This parameter is relevant to asynch.confirmation.interval. |
asynch.confirmation.interval | 60 | Interval (in seconds) between two tries of failed confirmations. This parameter is relevant to asynch.confirmation.repeatTime. |
asynch.externalCall.skipUriPattern |
| Regular expression that defines URIs which will be ignored by extcall component. Useful when you want to skip communication with an external system. |
asynch.postponedInterval | 5 | Interval (in seconds) after that can be postponed message processed again. |
asynch.postponedIntervalWhenFailed | 300 | Interval (in seconds) after that postponed messages will fail. See Guaranteed message processing order functionality for more details. |