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This chapter is specific for CleverBus OpenHub admin GUI use.


Application logs are generated via logback library and are configured in logback.xml. There is Maven property log.folder that specifies target folder for application logs.


Logback offers lot of possibilities where and how log items save to - to file system, to database, send it by emails etc. 



CleverBus OpenHub provides simple tool for application log searching (see Admin GUI - Admin GUI#Searchinlogbydate). This tool must be correctly configured (log.folder.path - path to application logs, log.file.pattern - format of log file names) and then allows to go through all application logs and find searched information.


When we use standard installation with Apache Tomcat server then we have all logs in /srv/cbssesbproject_name/logs/ folder with the the following sub-folders:

  • apache: logs generated by Apache HTTP server
  • j2ee: logs from integration platform
  • tomcat: logs generated by Apache Tomcat


CleverBus stores OpenHub stores lot of records to database, namely to these tables (see Data model for more information):



There is functionality for archiving database tables.

Stop ESB

CleverBus allows OpenHub allows to switch to stopping mode where no new requests will be processed, only current asynchronous messages will be finished (messages in states PROCESSING and WAITING_FOR_RES).
